Beech – Ffawydden


Handcrafted with kiln dried Beech. Beech wood in Celtic lore is thought of as the Mother of the forest and a symbol of ancient knowledge and tradition. Helping us break out of old habits and create new.

A traditional chanter with Black ABS plastic horn. Soaked in almond oil and finished in shellac and beeswax.

Canydd traddodiadol gyda cyrn plastig ABS. Wedi ei socio mewn almon ai orffen mewn shellac a cwyr wenynen.

Scale of D, E, F#, G, A, B, C#, D

UK Orders £205 + £9.95 postage 

International Orders £205 + £15 postage 

I am a multi-instrumentalist specialising in folk instruments, and have been playing  and making the Pibgorn for over 20 years.

Designed & Assembled in Wales

07960 889839

Address: 7 Stryd Llanofer, Merthyr Tudful
